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GM Digital & Blended
Learning Project

Looking into what high-quality digital and blended learning will look like in the future for all learners in Greater Manchester’s FE Colleges.

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T Level Professional Development
in conjunction with TRIP

Focusing on practitioner development ahead of the roll out of the new T Levels qualification in Greater Manchester in September 2021.

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GMColleges Violence Reduction
and Knife Crime Project

A collaborative project working to address issues arising from serious violence and knife crime in and around GM’s FE Colleges.

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Mental Health in
Further Education

Working with the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership to address mental health needs in Greater Manchester’s FE Colleges.

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AEB (Adult Education
Budget) Project

GMColleges is working with the Combined Authority to develop and deliver the devolved Adult Education Budget across Greater Manchester.

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Prioritising high-quality careers, and careers advice and guidance, increasing participation rates, removing barriers and securing meaningful destinations for all our students.

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Our Pass

The Greater Manchester Mayor and Combined Authority (GMCA) introduced a free bus pass for all 16- 18 year olds in Greater Manchester.

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GMCollege Collaborative Covid Response

The nine Greater Manchester Colleges have worked together tirelessly to minimise the impact of the Covid pandemic on their 70,000 students and staff.

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GMCollege Skills Competition

Every year the GMColleges holds a Skills Competition for its students. It is one of the largest in the UK, involving over 900 students.

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coming soon

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