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We are now recruiting!

Written on 12th March 2024

The Greater Manchester Further Innovation Programme aims to increase the role of Further Education Colleges in the expansion of innovation support to improve productivity across Greater Manchester.

There are exciting new roles across Greater Manchester to deliver this initiative including:

Innovators in Residence – FTE salary £65,000

We’re seeking 4 experts in the domains of Greater Manchester’s four frontier sectors who will inform college staff CPD in:

  • Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
  • Health Innovation and Life Sciences
  • Clean Growth
  • Digital and Creative

Find more information here


Business Innovation Advisors – FTE salary £50,000

Will connect with local businesses in their area, identify opportunities for increased productivity and help them access support services and training to drive innovation in their business


Business Innovation Coordinators – FTE Salary £30,000

Are the face of the Innovation Centre in the College, responsible for marketing, events and business engagement.


GMFEIP Monitoring Manager – FTE Salary £30,000

Will support programme delivery by coordinating returns and gathering evidence of activity and impact.


AIA Coordinator - 1 FTE per Borough @ £30,000 FTE employed by FECs

Based in each college , they will communicate the value of the training to apprentices, employers and apprenticeship delivery colleagues, facilitate delivery of the Innovation Literacy training and monitor and celebrate impact.


See this overview document for more information about these exciting roles.

Discover the vacancies available here.